I think it's the same with children. And this is the question Peter and I have been asking ourselves, and asking God. How will OUR garden grow?
My sister and her husband have recently begun their adoption journey (you can follow them at Love Makes a Family ). It's been so incredible, watching God work in their hearts and in their lives...and as is the way of God, He began working in our hearts as well. We've spent time talking, praying, and thinking about our family, and where our next child will come from. We both feel as though we are meant to have another child, but we are beginning to believe that God has a different journey for us this time around.
We have been incredibly blessed with our three kids. I love pregnancy, and birth, and breastfeeding, and all things baby...and I'm lucky that those things come pretty easily for me. But just because we CAN have another child of our own...does it mean that we should? The thought of adopting our next child is exciting, and terrifying, and full of joy, and sadness (because you cannot have adoption without loss, for the child, for their first-mother and father...), but I do know this...if this is where God is calling our family, by gosh, I'm going to take that call.
If this is where our family is led, we hope to begin the process early next year. Adoption is SPENDY, and we need to pay off some debts, and make sure our ducks are in a row before we begin. We are anxious to grow our family, but we are trusting God's timing.
Would you pray with us, and for us, as we make this decision?
Where ever this road leads you I hope you know that you have my full love and support! You are a wonderful mother and father team for your children! Where ever your next baby comes from they will be blessed indeed to know the kind of love that you and Pete have for your babies. Love and miss you guys!